Hot topics in-depth

Treatment and utilization of incineration residues 
by Prof. Jianhua Yan, Zhejiang University (CN)

Waste-to-energy process successfully addresses the issue of "beside the waste" and generates sustainable energy. However, incineration inevitably generates residues, such as municipal solid waste incineration fly ash, sludge incineration ash, etc. Therefore, it is of great significance to upcycle incineration residues into green materials, getting through the last mile of waste disposal. This topic includes property and classification of incineration residues, detoxification and purification technologies, and treatment and recycling approaches.

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Waste from renewable energies 
by Prof. Dezhen Chen, Tongji University (CN)

To achieve carbon neutral, many countries in world have changed their energy structure; renewable energy including wind power and solar photovoltaic power have been used for decades, therefore many wind turbine blades and photovoltaic panels have reached their lifespan and should be retired. The used turbine blades and photovoltaic panels need to be delicately managed to recover resources and avoid pollution. Now companies and governments are seeking for the solutions to this problem. Research activities on this area including disassembly, separation of organic and inorganic substances, and safety assessment, etc.

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Fate and risks posed by electronic cigarettes (vapes) and batteries in WtE facilities 
by Prof. William Clarke, The University of Queensland (AU)

The prevalence in the waste stream of discarded items with embedded batteries is growing. These items typically contain lithium-ion batteries which can flare due to runaway reactions, cause by deformation of the battery or poor design of a device. Examples of these items are birthday cards, rechargeable toys, toothbrushes, smart watches and power banks. Of particular concern are vapes (electronic cigarettes) because they contain heating elements. Cheaper vapes are typically not rechargeable and are therefore disposed. While battery collection schemes are often available, vapes are often discarded to general waste because they’re not included in these schemes and users are not aware of the fire risk of these devices. Globally, waste management companies are reporting increased occurrence of fires in bins and collection vehicles and at Material Recovery Facilities and landfills.
Abstracts are welcome on the management of devices with embedded lithium-ion batteries, particularly vapes. Topics include surveys of the number of vapes appearing at MRFs, landfills and in litter; methods for detecting devices containing embedded batteries in the waste stream; regulatory interventions and education campaigns for diverting vapes from residual or co-mingled waste streams; and the tendency of vapes to flare under the conditions and forces that might occur in a waste management process.

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Use of fermented MSW in the mining and mineral processing industry
by Prof. William Clarke, The University of Queensland (AU)

Fermented liquor from the organic fraction of MSW has value in the mining and mineral processing industry as a carbon source for sulphate reducing organisms. Emerging processes that produce sulphide biogenically are being used to manage acid mine drainage and also to substitute chemical sulphides in mineral processing applications such as the recovery of Cu. Papers are welcome on the use of OFMSW as a bulk commodity in industrial applications such as these.

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Sustainable biofuels: the path to a low-carbon energy future
by Prof. Ala'a H. Al-Muhtaseb, Sultan Qaboos University (OM)

As the world grapples with climate change, rising energy demands, and the depletion of fossil fuel reserves, there is a growing urgency to find sustainable energy solutions. Biofuels represent a promising avenue to address these challenges. Diversifying energy sources helps reduce our carbon footprint and enhances energy security. Recent advancements in biofuel technology, including improved conversion processes, more efficient feedstock utilization, and the integration of biofuels into existing energy systems, are paving the way for a brighter future. Innovations such as biorefineries and hybrid biofuel technologies are also shaping the future of this industry, instilling optimism in the potential of biofuels. Despite their advantages, biofuels face challenges such as competition with food production, land use concerns, and economic viability. Addressing these issues requires continued research, technological advancements, and supportive policies. This topic includes, but is not limited to: advancements in biofuel production technologies, economic and policy aspects, environmental impacts, biofuel and energy security, technological innovations, transport fuels (marine fuels, SAF - Sustainable Aviation Fuels, etc.).

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