FOCUS SESSION II / 25 November 2024 / 16:30 - 18:00
Biogenic waste incineration plants: nonsense or part of sustainable waste treatment?
Michael Nelles, University of Rostock (DE)
Thomas Astrup, Ramboll Denmark (DK)
Haniyeh Jalalipour, University of Rostock & Chair of ISWA YPG (DE)
Masaki Takaoka, Kyoto University (JP)
Jianhua Yan, Zhejiang University (CN)
Waste incineration is a central component of sustainable waste management concepts and is intended to dispose of non-recyclable waste in an environmentally friendly manner. In practice, also biogenic waste such as waste wood, paper, cardboard, kitchen and garden waste is treated in WtE plants. For example, the biogenic share in the input of waste incineration plants in Germany is approx. 50% and also around 50 % of the CO2-emission are "green". This raises the fundamental question of whether and when the use of biogenic waste in WtE plants is ecologically sensible, technically feasible and economically viable. Since the practice of incinerating biogenic waste in WtE plants varies greatly internationally and the current situation will be discussed with experts from Europe, Asia and America.
The following questions will then be discussed with the experts: